(2023) Canon RF 5.2 mm Dual-Fisheye VR Adaptor: Gates Edition
This adaptor, designed for the Canon 5.2mm Dual-Fisheye VR Adaptor, empowers both recreational and professional cinematographers to fully utilize 180-degree 3D video capture underwater. Developed in partnership with Meta and in collaboration with JBH Productions & Gates Underwater Housings, it seamlessly integrates with Gates' Deep Weapon Housing and Red Digital Cinema V-Raptor Cameras (DSMC, DSMC2, and DSMC3 (Raptor)). The Red RF mount platform enables 16K capture at 120 FPS (17:9) or 150 FPS (2.4:1), and the lens modifications retains up to 153 degrees FOV, ensuring top-notch immersive experiences.
Canon 5.2 mm Dual-Fisheye VR Adaptor: Gates V-Raptor Edition – Sexton Products (thesextonco.com)
DEEP WEAPON - RAPTOR - Gates Underwater ProductsGates Underwater Products (gateshousings.com)